Thursday 26 February 2009
Tuesday 17 February 2009
ontological and epistemological
ontological and epistemological are explain about rough location and spatial location and geographic objects
Information about the location and it's status,GIS observes and measures the spacial objects that represents its corresponding measurements in physical reality
Abler R,Marcus,M&olson J.M eds(1992)geographer's works,Rutgers university press new Brunwick,New jersey
spatial information theory,cognitive and computational foundations of geographic information science,International conference ,stade,germany,august 1999
Foundations for service ontologies,peter mika,Department of business informations urije university Amsterdam
The nonsense of 'knowledge management'
T.D. WilsonProfessor EmeritusUniversity of Sheffield, UKVisiting Professor, Högskolan i BoråsBorås, Sweden
Knowledge Management Schools (e.g. Earl’s 7 Schools)
Saturday 7 February 2009
What is Knowledge management? - definitions frameworks and lifecycles
Rudy Ruggles forms the components of knowledge management :
creating new knowledge
contacts valuable knowledge from outside methods
implements accesible knowledge in decision making
Inbuilt knowledge in processes products and or services
showing knowledge in documents
databases and software
creating knowledge growth through culture and incentives
converting existed knowledge into other areas of a firm
calculating the impacts of knowledge assets and or impacts
It is important ,why?
knowledge is the most important advantage of a firm in all aspects.It is a unique commodity which is impossible to imitate and give itspossesor a unique and inherent protection. so any techniques or methods whichkeeps knowledge growth are key for the growth of an organization.
What differs it from others:
Km has formed in many disciplines including business,economics,education,information(Ettlie and Reza, 1992) management,psychology,and sociology.These create important impacts in individual and systemic knowledge. km comprise of operatives from the basic premise of the sticky nature of knowledge.The knowledge is dynamically embedded in networks and processes as well as in the human beings that constitute them. Peoples gather knowledgefrom some of established organization.Also changes occur depends onchanges in market so it evolves in persons who interact with each other.This distinction provides the impects of km in current state, to focuson enhancing a firms innovation potential to leverage its competitiveadvantages, This creates a competition on a large scale to organizethe set of activities.
Asset Utilization
Knowledge Evaluation
Knowledge Improvement
Knowledge Accumulation
Knowledge Generation
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Protection
Use and misuse of common terms: (Anderson and Tushman, 1991)
Example misuse of information,data,knowledge:
if we will go to bank or financial institution,we can see all customer information is stored in a single database,it is possible hack and customer information is being used by the bank for their own records and the information will be shard with some other financial and other banks,after customer face a problem,if they apply new credit card or loan with other banking sector ,it may result in failure.
Example:use of information,data,knowledge:
if we will go to any supermarkets Everything we will get it,food items,non-food products,super market electronics items,clothes,,,,,All super market store all informaton and data about customer,it will help comany find about customer what they like?
Erja Mustonen-Ollila, (2007)’’Information System Process Innovation Life Cycle Model,’’
Wiig, K. M. (1997),''Knowledge Management: an introduction and perspective'' Journal ofKnowledge Management, vol. 1, no. 1
Abernathy, W.J. Utterback, J.M. (1978),'' Patterns of industrial innovation'' Technology Review, June/July, pp. 40-47.
Nissen, M.E. (2000),'' An extended model of knowledge-flow dynamics'', Communications of the Association for Information Systems, Vol. 8, pp. 251-66
Prusak, L. (2001) where did knowledge management come from IBM Systems Journal, 40(4), 1002-1007.
Professor Emeritus, October 2002,’’ The nonsense of knowledge management’’,
Thursday 5 February 2009
Knowledge Management Strategy
I was working small company in my home down,when i joined that compay they will encouraged to develop my knowledge skill and They told if you have any previous experience use and implement in the company, i focused only management side and customer side ,because all company only based on customer relationships and also each company follow customer focused and develop the concern,so knowledge management strategy is very important in concern.
Abell A. and N.(Oxbrow 2001),''Competing with Knowledge'' Library Association Publishing, London.James Robertson, published(August 2nd, 2004 )Developing a knowledge management strategy
Fahad and Series of Dissertation (2008) ’’Interacting Strategically within Dyadic Business Relationships’’, A case study from the Norwegian Electronics Industry
Binney D.,(2001) ''The knowledge management spectrum'' - understanding the KM landscape, Journal of Knowledge Management, 5, 1, 33-42.
Beckman T.J.(1999,)''The Current State of Knowledge Management'' in the Knowledge management Handbook, ed. J. Liebowitz, CRC Press.
C.Anderson,Hakan Hakansson Jan Johanson (oct 1994) ''Dyadic business relationships within a business network''James Journal of marketing,vol,58,No.4.(oct,1994),pp-15
Sunday 25 January 2009
Business Networks and Communities of Practice:
For Example:
I am doing part time online trading business,the reason is i can easily make money,the reason is business networks,and communicate all business people through networks,who has good knowledge about the business field,They will easily start making money in business field,business firms look for ways to increase profit,but today all world trade is controlled by multinational companies,who operate in the global business.but if we will learn about business networking ,we will get it…
Social networks and Communities of practice:
Social networks consists of our own idea, financial exchange,our visions ,goals, It is a social structure groups members regularly engage in learning and sharing based on common interests—can improve organizational performance,communities of practice support organizations grow in size and exchange common information and create organizational value only based on social and communities, it create development of social capital ,behavioral changes in the organizational.